Dr. Cynthia LaBrie Norall
Licensed Educational Psychologist

My goal is to offer a comprehensive and collaborative approach to individuals with learning and developmental disabilities. I offer services to support students through the IEP/504 plan process. I support families involved with family court matters that require special needs awareness. I advocate for adults with hidden disabilities in the workplace.

My purpose is to involve all three essential members providing the best opportunity for success: the individual, the family and the expert (or a resource).

My intent is to create an empathetic experience that leads to opportunities for self-advocacy while embracing neurodiversity.

I provide the following services:

Educational Diagnosis & New Diagnosis Support
Expert Family Law Testimony
Behavior and Social Communication Consultations
Special Needs Parent Coaching & Support
Friends’ Club® Social Group Consultations
Employment Accommodations
Regional Center Autism Testing
Independent Educational Evaluation (LEP)
IEP Review and Advocacy
Insurance Eligibility Testing
Conservatorship / SSI Application Support
Human Resource ADA Coaching
Autism Coaching & Social Facilitation