Yet another school year is starting. This can be exciting and nail biting at the same moment. For many of my clients the fun of going back to school is really the dread of going back to something that changes every year, new teacher(s), new classrooms, and every few years a new school. However, with some prep time these transitions can go more smoothly albeit still nerve rattling. Going on campus when students aren’t there (if gates are open) can help as well as getting photos of the classroom, new teacher, etc. ahead of time. Most school campuses are open now, even if no kiddos on campus. Make a visit to the office ahead of school starting. Set up some routines now, before school starts. Also, if you are needing a meeting into the new school year it’s best to make that request in writing (letter or email) on the first day of school as the district has 30 days to set up the meeting. To the best start of school yet! Aloha!