On this week as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday I am feeling grateful. Yes, it’s been a crazy year. And there is a lot to be concerned about as we head into the holiday season. However, there is a lot for me, personally, to be grateful for.
My family has it’s health and my grown children have jobs that they love. My husband enjoys retirement (taught in Carlsbad for 30 years) and we’ve been busy expanding our learning with Spanish and Italian, the Culinary Lab (from City of Carlsbad) as well as lectures, and of course Yoga. All by Zoom (so grateful for Zoom). We enjoy pickleball 3-4 times a week at St. Michael’s by the Sea (great sport and fun spot to play).
I am lucky to provide support to families with exceptional children and for the most part feel successful in the placements/goals/services we’ve achieved. I have a few clients thriving in new placements at Winston (3 clients), NewBridge (1 client) and Community Transitions Academy (1 client). But I also have clients that are doing well in public school placements and I can say that it’s the teacher that makes the difference. I’m grateful for those that want to collaborate with parents (and with me) to make progress in my client’s learning.
And last, but not least, I am so grateful for where I live. We can do so many activities outdoors, and see others while social distancing. We can be at a sunset in less than 10 minutes, and walk beaches or trails within minutes from our home (and can walk to many of them). I love where I live. I love what I do. And I am grateful. Aloha!