As we head into yet another week of Shelter in Place (in most of California, other states are on different schedules to re-open)……a few reflections. We’ve all had some “breathing room”, including Mother Earth. Animals are coming out in areas of our national parks in places they never ventured before. As we begin to integrate with them, we will have an opportunity to be more aware of their presence. Pollution, globally, is down in many other wise over crowded areas. As some re-enter the workday commute this will change but for now we can experience cleaner air. We are eating healthier as we (myself included) have more time to prepare meals, and are being creative in doing so. My husband and I are eating what’s been grown locally and are trying veggies and fruits that wasn’t in our routine to eat before this happened (we get a produce delivery from a local farm exchange). And though we are getting impatient with those in our own households, let’s try to be patient and thoughtful of others as we move out of our homes. While frustrated with distance learning, or lack there of for those with special needs, there are many teachers and specialists doing the best that they can to provide lessons to their students. Let’s be kind as we come into the “new normal”. Smile (even with the mask on) with your eyes or with a friendly wave. And, be compassionate for ourselves. This has been a very trying time. Aloha!
own sense of well-being becomes.
— Dalai Lama XIV