It’s a new year. We are learning that some of 2020 will spill over into 2021 as Covid cases are increasing and that means more uncertainty with regards to in person classes. Maybe if the vaccines are more available to all being in person can be a possibility. There is plenty of funding coming to assist with the most recent budget approved. We can only hope. So what do we do in the meantime? What we’ve been doing for going on 10 months! That is to persist, be creative and to lean on each other. It’s important to get out of the house (outside is what is available) and luckily we live in an area that allows for the outdoors–be it walking the beach, the neighborhood or the trails. Keep up with fun activities you found during 2020. Make lists of what you want to do once we can see others in person, or eat in a restaurant. Mostly, don’t give up. You got this! Aloha