It’s not the holiday season we thought it would be. Many are struggling whether it’s financially or socially just hanging on. And yet there are bright spots to the year. We’ve all slowed down a little. We’ve learned to enjoy little things and to appreciate being able to be with each other. How many of you watch a movie or a binge a series and think “wow, that’s pre-Covid?” Or, have you noticed some seasons include Covid related issues into the episodes? As someone said today, “Zoom used to mean move quickly, it has a different connotation today”. Yay for Zoom and other virtual meeting spaces! I certainly walk Koa more and exercise (pickleball is my obsession) more often, cook or bake more yummy meals (into making anything from scratch, thank you internet plus my Zoom cooking class), have listened to lectures on famous composers or art, and have had the time to support my husband who’s been through cancer treatments. We are on the other side and have learned to appreciate something else: our health.
No matter what you may celebrate this season, pat yourself on the back for resilience, patience and creativity to get through this year. I’ll “see” you in the new year! Aloha!