Practical Tips to Help Your Child With Asperger’s Syndrome Be More Socially Accepted
By Cynthia La Brie Norall, Ph.D., with Beth Wagner Brust | St. Martin’s Press
Practical tips to help your child with Asperger’s Syndrome be more socially accepted. A practical and hope-filled A-Z guide to understanding the most common struggles of children with Asperger’s Syndrome, one of the fastest-growing developmental disabilities in the United States.
Based on Dr. Norall’s twenty years of experience treating thousands with Asperger’s, this book will share her insights gained from helping so many friendless Asperger’s children become more approachable, less stuck, and finally able to make, and keep, a friend or two.The book is a reference work for readers to use in conjunction with the care of their health-care providers. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. The opinions expressed in this book represent the personal views of the authors and not of the publisher. Readers are solely responsible for their own health-care decision. Neither the publisher nor the authors accept any responsibility or indirectly, from the information contained in this book.
In Quirky, Yes—Hopeless, No, Dr. Cynthia La Brie Norall and Beth Brust present short lessons, structured around specific topics from A-Z that address the social challenges faced by Asperger’s children and teens. Since everyday “people skills” do not come naturally to children with Asperger’s, they need training.