My husband and I enjoy going to the movies. At our local Regal Theater there is an employee that gives me hope for situations such as this to not be unusual. The girl collecting tickets at the entrance to the theaters is in a wheelchair. Next to her is her service dog @caninesforindependence. She is friendly and capable. The three times I’ve stopped to chat with her have me awestruck for a couple of reasons. What a great job she has, and she does it well. And, she shared with me (after I struck up a conversation) that she wants to share her service dog with others by going to hospitals and senior centers. To me it was obvious the dog provides her a service, yet she wants to share him with others as a therapy dog. I am hoping that she is also in college, if that’s her choice, and that I continue to see places like Regal hiring those who are unusual. Special is definitely better than perfect! Aloha!